Dinner determines life expectancy and weight, diabetes, high blood pressure are related to dinner

Dinner, life expectancy, how to eat dinner healthily, dinner diabetes
Dinner determines life and weight! Don't feel like eating too much at dinner. Many people like to have dinner at night, eat and drink too much. This will make many diseases come to you. Bad eating habits will not only affect your weight, but also determine your life!
Dinner and obesity
According to statistics, 90% of obese people suffer from eating too much and eating too much at night. In addition, the amount of activity at night is small, energy consumption is low, and excess calories are synthesized in large amounts by the action of insulin. Over time, obesity is formed.
Many friends in life who are dieting and losing weight often ignore the importance of dieting for dinner. They don’t eat early and middle meals, but they eat a big meal at night, so that the body is getting more and more fat.
Dinner and diabetes
Long-term dinner is full, often stimulates a large amount of insulin secretion, it is easy to cause the burden of islet aggravation, accelerate aging, and then induce diabetes. At the same time, obesity can also cause diabetes.
Dinner and urinary tract stones
The peak period of the human body's calcium sputum is 4 or 5 hours after dinner. If the dinner is too late, when the calcium rush season comes, it usually goes to sleep. Therefore, the urine stays in the urinary tract such as the ureter, bladder, urethra, etc., and can not be excreted in time, resulting in an increase in calcium in the urine, which is easy to deposit and form crystals, and it is easy to form stones after long-term accumulation.
Dinner and hyperlipidemia
If high-protein, high-fat, high-calorie eating is used for supper, it will stimulate the liver to produce low-density and very low-density lipoprotein, which will form hyperlipidemia.
Dinner and high blood pressure
If the content of supper is partial to food, and the blood flow rate during sleep is slowed down, a large amount of blood lipids will deposit on the blood vessel wall, which will cause the contraction of small arteries and small arteries, and increase the peripheral vascular resistance, which will easily cause the blood pressure to rise suddenly. Accelerated the hardening process of the small arteries of the whole body.
Dinner with fatty liver
If you eat too much supper and eat too much, the concentration of blood sugar and fatty acids will accelerate the synthesis of fat, and the amount of activity in the evening will also accelerate the conversion of fat, which is easy to form fatty liver.
Dinner with acute pancreatitis
Overeating for dinner, coupled with drinking, is very easy to induce acute pancreatitis, severe cases even in shock and sudden death.
Dinner and sleep quality
Eating and eating for dinner will inevitably cause the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs to work constantly while sleeping and transmit information to the brain, so that the brain is always in a state of excitement. In the long run, it will cause diseases such as neurasthenia.
How to eat dinner healthily?
1 Dinner is less, the amount is good, not overeating.
2 dinner time is most healthy before 7 o'clock.
3 more meals to eat vegetarian food, eat less food.
4 Eat low-fat, high-calorie, high-calcium, and flatulence foods

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