Fitness exercise, is your diet nutritious right?


Another year winter came, adhere to proper exercise, not only aligning Nourishing, improve the function of internal organs, but also help enhance the immune function of various tissues and organs of the body and resilience to external cold stimuli. In addition to daily diet conditioning during fitness , it is necessary to pay attention to nutritional supplements before, during and after exercise. Today, experts are asked to carefully talk about how to eat and drink before and after exercise, which can better prevent the occurrence of sports injuries.

   Before exercise: fasting is not suitable for two

Remember the physical education class in the student era? Every time I prepare for the warm-up, and then stretch the body, do you need to grow up?

wrong! Warm-up before exercise is a must for any sport. It is common for some young people to start running as soon as they go out, and there is no activity to relax joints and ligaments at a time; even some elderly people who like to sing songs rush to the venue and jump up happily, which is very dangerous. Because, in the case of lower temperatures, the vascular reflex contraction, the muscle's own viscosity increases, the joint's activity is reduced, the ligament's stretch is reduced, and the brain's ability to command muscles is also reduced. If you do not fully warm up before exercise, you will cause joints, ligaments and muscle strains when you suddenly exert force, which will seriously affect your daily life. Exercise has become a kind of injury.

Therefore, whenever and wherever you want, prepare for the exercise. You can jog for a while, and when the body is slightly sweaty, stretch the whole body joints, especially the main active joints. The content can vary according to personal preferences, as long as the gentle activity makes the body a little hot, and then the more rapid and vigorous activities, the body can basically adapt. At this time, it is necessary to reserve sufficient energy in the body to ensure the smooth achievement of physical fitness.


Morning exercise, drinking sugar, eating bread

In the cold autumn and winter seasons, a lot of energy is consumed. The body's reserve energy consumption is not much left after a night's consumption. In the morning, exercise on an empty stomach will cause hypoglycemia, dizziness, vertigo, and even fainting. Therefore, it is advisable to drink some sugar water and eat a piece of bread before exercise, especially in patients with high blood pressure. Drinking a cup of boiled water before exercise can dilute the blood and avoid coronary circulatory disturbance.

   Exercise one hour after a meal

Most of the blood in the body will be concentrated in the digestive system after the meal. If you exercise, some of the blood will flow from the digestive system to the limbs to provide energy, which will not only seriously affect the digestion of the food, but also cause bloating, stomach pain, etc. It may be long-term. Causes the stomach to sag. So start the exercise one hour after the meal, or eat less nutritious, high-energy foods such as bananas, honey, jam bread, energy bars, etc., and then eat dinner after a while.

   In motion: step by step prevention

Most injuries are caused by overtraining. In addition to doing adequate preparation activities, each exercise must strictly abide by the principle of gradual and orderly, so that the body gradually adapts to the sports stimulation and slowly becomes strong. The famous training mileage rule: the mileage increase you run each week should never exceed 10%. At the same time, follow the training method of arranging the amount of exercise to be strong and weak. Moreover, Chinese medicine says that autumn and winter should be converged to nourish and nourish yin, and exercise should also conform to this principle, that is, the amount of exercise should not be too large, so do not make sweat and cause yang loss. It is advisable to choose projects that are easy to smooth and have little activity, and that they should be carried out in a timely and orderly manner. When the whole body is slightly hot, it can be stopped when there is no sweating, so as to ensure the introversion of Yin essence, and not to cause yang gas consumption. If you are very tired after exercise, and still feel unwell after a few days of rest, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, loss of appetite, it is likely that your exercise is too large and the recovery measures are not correct, you must reduce the amount of exercise in the next exercise, and Pay attention to nutrition recovery.


Drinks must be added during exercise

Why do large-volume training for many days in a row increase the probability of injury? Because the exercise will lose a lot of glycogen, multivitamins and minerals stored in the body, the original dry body begins to dehydrate, like a car without oil and water, how can it be fast? Appropriate beverages must be added during exercise.

   Sports drink anti-muscle

If the amount of exercise is large and sweating is too much, add a small amount of salt in the boiling water to maintain the acid-base balance in the body. You can also drink some sports drinks containing complex sugar and electrolyte to prevent muscle cramps.

Exercise 200ml drink for 20 minutes

If you have exercise for a long time, you must drink a proper amount of sugar boiled water or sports drink to prevent adverse physiological reactions such as dizziness, sweating, and limb weakness due to hypoglycemia. Need to be reminded that when you exercise, you can't drink a lot of water at a time, otherwise it will easily cause a heavier burden on the stomach, and the water in your stomach will also affect your exercise. It is best to drink in small portions, such as drinking 150 to 200 ml of beverage for 20 minutes of exercise.

  After exercise:

Rational supplementation

Fitness exercise should be arranged in accordance with each person's own health conditions. Each exercise produces various metabolites and breaks the original balance in the body. Therefore, the recovery process is actually part of the exercise, only through proper rest, Supplementary nutrition and physical therapy will restore the body and establish a new balance, so that the whole body can maintain a healthy state. If you do not take a full rest and exercise vigorously again, the burden on the body will be further aggravated, causing the balance in the body to be seriously out of control. If it cannot be corrected by necessary medical means, it will lead to health damage.


Eat pears and apples in autumn and winter

The climate in autumn and winter is very dry, it is easy to hurt the body fluid, the body is easy to accumulate heat, causing dry throat, less tongue, dry lips, nose bleeding and other symptoms. In addition, the loss of water during exercise will increase the body's lack of water. Therefore, after exercise, you must drink plenty of water, eat more soft food such as pears, apples, milk, sesame seeds, fresh vegetables, or drink more sugar pears. Water, winter melon soup, etc. Pay attention to eating some low-calorie foods, such as red beans, radishes, bamboo shoots, glutinous rice, kelp, mushrooms, etc., do not eat greasy food, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach, but also make the body temperature, blood sugar rise, make people languish, produce fatigue Sense, reduce the speed of reaction during exercise, causing accidental damage.

   Eat again after 30 minutes

Do not eat solid food immediately after exercise, at least rest for about 30 minutes, after the heart and lung function and the digestive system return to a stable state. But at this time you can eat some digestible liquid or semi-liquid foods, such as sugar water, rice pudding, rotten noodles. Moreover, it is best to add an appropriate amount of high-quality protein, such as milk, egg white, fish and shrimp, beans, whey protein powder, etc. within two hours, which can promote more sugar and fill your muscles faster. Make an energy reserve for the next exercise. Moreover, sugar also promotes protein to better repair and rebuild your muscles. Sugar and protein together can help you recover from exercise fatigue to normal as soon as possible, eliminating the health hazards caused by inadequate nutrition recovery.


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