How to carefully care for wooden doors?

Doorwood has become a must-have item for every household. To keep it more durable, we need our care.

1. When removing the stain on the surface of the wooden door, use a soft cotton cloth to wipe the surface. It is easy to scratch the surface with a hard cloth. When the stain is too heavy, use a neutral detergent, toothpaste or furniture-specific cleaning agent to remove the stain and then dry it. Do not rinse with water.

2, pay attention to the immersion of neutral reagents or rags with water should not be placed on the surface of the wooden door for a long time, otherwise it will immerse the surface, so that the surface finish material discoloration or peeling.

3, pay attention to the corners of the wooden door, do not rub too much, otherwise it will cause the angular paint to fall off.

4. Hinge and lock are movable parts. When loosening occurs, they should be tightened immediately. The sound of the hinge should be filled in time. When the lock is opened, it is not flexible. You can add the right amount of pencil to the key hole. Do not fill the oil.

5, due to the characteristics of shrinkage and swelling of wood, in the case of large differences in temperature and humidity, such as slight cracking or shrinkage, this is a normal natural phenomenon, do not panic, with seasonal changes, this The phenomenon will naturally disappear.

Document.body.oncopy = function () { setTimeout( function () { var text = clipboardData.getData("text"); if (text) { text = text + " This article comes from China Wooden Door Network, China's well-known wooden door industry portal Website! (http://) Detailed reference: "+location.href; clipboardData.setData("text", text); } }, 100) }

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