Product Packaging Certification Mark (on)

Almost all brand-name products have different certification marks printed on the packaging, showing that the certification has entered our lives and has had a certain impact. Certification is the process of testing and supervising the manufacturer’s product or production system by a third-party authorized independent authority in accordance with relevant national or international regulations and standards, and issuing test reports and certificates for passing or not. If certification is obtained, it means that the quality of the product complies with national or international standards.

As early as the middle of the eighteenth century, there was a prototype of product certification. At that time, only some spontaneous private institutions implemented product inspections. Nowadays, certification has developed into a powerful measure for protecting the interests of consumers in the country and for companies to open up overseas markets and establish market credibility. Certification has been adopted globally, and developed and relatively developed countries in the world have established independent certification systems.

CCIB safety certification mark

CCIB is the English abbreviation of China Commodity Inspection. The CCIB safety certification mark is printed in yellow on the font and outer ring. The English letter S is an abbreviation of English Sa fe ty, meaning "safety."

The CCIB safety certification mark shall be attached to the obvious parts of the imported goods or its packaging bags, boxes, bottles, and listeners. For certain commodities, after approval, they can be directly printed or molded on the relevant goods or their small packages.

The CCIB safety certification marks currently used are uniformly printed by the national inspection and quarantine agency with high-tech, and they are anti-counterfeit. Consumers will only scratch the “I” letter in “CCIB” and show a small line of “CCIB”. "Words. It is worth noting that the CCIB safety certification mark is issued by the manufacturer or company of the exporting country to the inspection and approval department of the import license system for quality inspection of China's State Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, and the inspection of the sample by the expert inspection authority of the commodity inspection authority and the strict inspection of the manufacturer's inspection conditions. Only after being qualified and obtaining the "Safety Quality License for Imported Commodities" was it authorized to use it. It is directly attached to the product during the production process, not when the product is opened for inspection. In addition, the CCIB safety certification mark has the characteristics of one-time sticking and attachment. If it is torn off, the entire mark will be incomplete and difficult to reuse.

Chinese product certification agency national accreditation logo

The national accreditation mark of China's product certification organization is a graphic sign indicating that the relevant organization engaged in product certification work has obtained national accreditation. The measures for its use and management are formulated by the China National Accreditation Committee for Product Quality Certification. When the accreditation mark is printed, it is limited to two colors, generally blue and white, but also black and white, or white gold. If necessary, a color other than white may be used as the background color.

Great Wall Sign

The Great Wall Mark, also known as the CCEE safety certification mark, is a special certification mark for electrical products. The China Electrotechnical Product Certification Committee (CCEE) is the only legal agency authorized by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision to represent China in the International Electrotechnical Commission Electrotechnical Product Safety Certification Organization (IECEE) and represents the national organization to implement safety certification for electrical products (Great Wall logo certification).

In accordance with the "Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Quality Assurance of Products," safety certifications for electrical products are based on the mandatory national and industry standards for equivalent conversion to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards. The certification carried out by such standards must be subject to mandatory supervision and management. Any product that has not been certified for safety shall not be allowed to be manufactured, sold, imported and used.

PRC logo

The PRC mark is a special certification mark for electronic components. Its color and its printing must comply with the standardization administrative department of the State Council and the provisions of the China Administration of Electronic Component Quality Certification Committee on certification mark management.

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