Solid wood wardrobe which is good wood wardrobe purchase points

[China] net wardrobe Currently, many types of materials available in the market wardrobes, wood wardrobe which has been well received by consumers, the process is very environmentally friendly and solid wood wardrobe of good quality and durability. So which kind of solid wood wardrobe is good? How to choose a solid wood wardrobe? The following website gives you a detailed introduction.

Which is good for solid wood wardrobes?

Today, solid wood homes have become popular, and solid wood wardrobes have become the trend of choice. Solid wood wardrobe refers to the wardrobe made of wood. There are roughly the following kinds of solid wood materials: white pine, red pine, birch, paulownia, elm, elm, maple, rosewood, walnut, ash, 榆Wood, eucalyptus, eucalyptus, maple, eucalyptus, etc., each solid wood material has its own characteristics and advantages, with healthy and environmentally friendly, durable, beautifully styled, and the style of solid wood is not limited, More diverse in matching options.

1. The advantages of the oak wardrobe are: the mountain shape is clear, the texture is good when the surface is touched; the grade is higher, suitable for making European wardrobe. Disadvantages: There are fewer high-quality tree species and higher import prices; the oak texture is hard and the water is more difficult to remove, and the wardrobe made without water removal begins to deform after a year and a half.

2, birch wardrobe advantages: small color difference, wood is relatively soft, suitable for home use, the pattern is more beautiful. Disadvantages: The wood has heavy moisture and is easily deformed if not completely dried.

3, pine wood wardrobe advantages: clear and beautiful texture, lines full and smooth, flexible and breathable, good thermal conductivity and easy maintenance. Disadvantages: The wood is soft and can't collide; it takes a long time to use and is easy to change color and crack.

4, teak waterproof, crack-proof, value-added

One of the world's most valuable hardwoods, the wood has a golden brown luster, beautiful decorative stripes and unique properties, known as the "king of wood." It has natural oily properties that make it waterproof, not brittle, deformed, twisted, bent, swelled and cracked.

Advantages: high hardness, not easy to wear, extremely heavy oil quality to keep it from deformation, with a special fragrance, can drive snakes, insects, rats, ants, and can prevent cockroaches. The wardrobe can be value added.

5, ash texture is beautiful and decorative

Very beautiful wood name, easy to reminiscent of the willow tree growing. In fact, the ash is popular in the east of Daxing'anling in the northeast of Heilongjiang, China, and Xiaoxing'anling in Jilin and Changbai Mountain in Jilin. The height is up to 30 meters, the sapwood is light brown, the core material is light brown, but slightly deeper than the sapwood. . It is very cold resistant.

Advantages: small color difference, corrosion resistance, good water resistance, easy processing, high toughness, good coloring performance, and good decorative properties.

Disadvantages: not easy to dry, dry shrinkage, easy to produce cracking, suitable for simple decoration, eucalyptus calm and generous price moderate

6. Elm is one of the most commonly used woods in China. After the coffin is cut, the sapwood is yellowish brown, the core material is light brown, and the texture is expanded like feathers. For consumers who love the classic wardrobe but are ashamed of it, the coffin is calm and generous, and the price is lower, which is a better alternative.

Advantages: The strength of the eucalyptus is medium, resistant to decay, easy to process, fine wood and beautiful patterns.

Disadvantages: high moisture content, not easy to dry, so it is easier to crack.

Solid wood wardrobe purchase points

Look closely

How to buy: Solid wood materials can usually see the pattern clearly. Different wood patterns are different. Do your homework before buying. For example, the material of ash is slightly hard and beautiful, and the texture of eucalyptus is straight and shiny. These need us. Carefully identify. In addition, it is necessary to look closely at the pattern of the surface of the main material such as the cabinet door and the side panel, and whether the knot is corresponding inside or outside. If necessary, buckle it to see if the surface is pasted.

2. Ask more

How to buy: When buying, be sure to ask more questions. Ask if the wardrobe is "all solid wood". If not, be sure to find out where to use the MDF. Never buy without knowing it. .

3. Nasal smell

How to buy: Solid wood wardrobes are made of environmentally friendly wood. Most woods have the aroma of tree species, pine has rosin flavor, cypress wood has a light fragrance, and eucalyptus has a distinct eucalyptus taste... but fiberboard and MDF will be thicker. The irritating odor, especially in cabinet doors or drawers, is easier to distinguish.

4. Hand knock

How to choose: Use a few taps on the wooden surface with your hands. When you make it with real wood, it will make a crisper sound, while the wood-based panel will have a low sound.

It is the easiest and straightforward way to distinguish solid wood or wood-based panels by discerning sound.

The above is a good name for the solid wood wardrobe shared by the website, and the main points of the purchase of solid wood wardrobe, I hope to help everyone.

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